


JOIN Skattie, what are you wearing?'s FACEBOOK FRIENDS

Monday, January 21, 2013


Alright alright it’s  just Lion’s Head, and everybody’s walked it. I’ve also done it a few times, but it’s still a mountain, it maybe a bit like Michelle to Table Mountain’s Beyonce, no wait it’s more like Kelly, Devil’s Peak is definitely more Michelle [visit this tumblr. trust me, you'll thank me], anyway it’s a fucking mountain.

It could be the touristy summer vibes or the hard to remove stain of hippie left on me by my student days in Obz, or my cheesy nature that drives me to share what are essentially outdoorsy facebook albums with you from time to time. But here we are, and that is the situation.

Yeaterday my friend Bee and I went for a walk up the abovementioned Lion’s head. Fucking awesome and so exhausting, but it ends with a rewardingly smug sense of self-satisfaction when you walk down.  To think there are people who jog up there every morning before work. While the rest of us sashay into work 5 minutes before or after the required time, dreading the canteen coffee, but unfortunately did not leave the house on time to get a fancy coffee elsewhere, or too broke for it. 8.30ish in the morning and some motherfuckers have already climbed, no, jogged up a fucking mountain! I don’t know what to think of them, I want so hard to think positive and inspired thoughts, like the kind a livestrong wristband used to inspire, but them hater thoughts….


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