Yes it’s been a while. If you been around these parts for a
minute you’ll know that these moments
come where for a week or two the might be no posts. It happens, you’ll learn to
deal or you’ll leave us for greener more predictable pastures. Nothing deep to
it really, one runs out of steam for the party life and the only thing that
makes sense is to chill at home and watch pirated series dvd’s. Maybe it’s an
age thing.. A coupla months ago I had an incident at the waterfront, I walked
out of the elevator as four…uhmmm…youths walked in. One held his arm out
pushing the others aside and he said “make way for the uncle”. After looking
over my shoulder, in search of the “uncle”, it clicked, I was the Uncle. Little
shits looked as though they were somewhere around twenty, twenty one. And
there’s me foolishly thinking we looked like people from the same generation,
like we could be facebook friends or follow each other’s blogs or some shit
like that. Yeah sure I weigh 30 kilos more than I did at their age but what the
fuck? Yes I ‘ve been spending my Saturday afternoons at cat shows far beyond
the boerewors curtain but they don’t know that, does it show? Anyway fuck’em, fuck
their smooth skin, their lean bodies and high sex drives. and bless my cats for doing so well last week
at the Western Province Cat Show (don’t judge me bitch, you don’t wanna go
there, I judge harder). Anyway, Azange and Shado got themselves so many awards and my Shado is
officially a Premier, and now we look forward to the Grand Supreme prize at the
next show, the Nationals, which by the way will be held on the 2nd
of June in Bothasig. And no I have no idea where Bothasig is, or how far behind
the Boerie curtain it is. However, I will be taking my camera with me. I forgot
it last weekend and I missed out on so many shots of next level skattielisciousness,
like really motherfucking next, I’m talking multicoloured hair, in primary
colours, bless! Fuck Glee and their sectionals, this shit is gonna be realer.
By the way, the pics are random, from diff events, some
France some SA. Except the Azange and Shado pics below, along with the cat competition ribbons.